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Orgtober Spotlight: Edmonton Read-In Week
An Orgtober spotlight: Give Life Alberta visits schools across Edmonton during Read-In Week, reading The ant who needed a transplant to elementary students.
Orgtober Spotlight: HSOI – High School Outreach Initiative
An Orgtober spotlight: In Canada, one organ donation education program that is a true standout is the High School Outreach Initiative in Organ Donation & Transplantation (HSOI) - currently active in the GTA and Ottawa.
Move over spooky season, Orgtober is here!
Do you know about Orgtober? Formerly known as October, it’s a full month dedicated to promoting organ donation education among students, teachers, and families in Canada and around the world.
2024 Canadian Transplant Games are a wrap!
This national sporting event is the ultimate showcase of the power of organ donation. Held every two years unless a pandemic gets in the way, the Canadian Transplant Games is the premiere athletic celebration of sport for the transplant community from across the country. The International Olympic Committee accredits some of the events. The youngest competitor at the Ottawa Games - held from August 3 to 8 - was 10 years old, and the oldest was 76.
2024 Canadian Transplant Games Coming to Ottawa
Are you ready to compete, connect and celebrate with the Canadian transplant community? The 10th Canadian Transplants games will be held in Ottawa August 3-9, 2024 and registration is open until June 15.
Statement from the Minister of Health and Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health – National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week (April 21-27, 2024)
This year National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week, recognized annually since 1997 on the last full week in April, celebrates Canadians who have chosen to Leave Well so others can live well.
Canada recognizes National Organ and Tissue Donation Week - April 21-27, 2024
This year National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week, recognized annually since 1997 on the last full week in April, celebrates Canadians who have chosen to Leave Well so others can live well.
Green Shirt Day 2024 - The conversation continues…
Seven years ago, a simple conversation between father and son planted the seeds of a movement that would save countless lives.
Heart and Sole: The Dylan Kalambay story
Three years ago, in November 2020, Dylan Kalambay was a 16-year-old high school basketball star from St. Catharine’s, Ontario. He started coughing a lot. Those small coughs turned into persistent coughs which evolved into shortness of breath and, eventually, a diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy. In layman’s terms: Heart failure.
Coming in 2024: 10th Canadian Transplant Games
Every two years, we count ourselves lucky to be utterly inspired and moved to tears and cheers and utter delight when the Canadian Transplant Games come to town. Mark your calendars: the Games are coming to Ottawa in 2024.